In the spotlight

The Conference on “Responsible Management of Seasonal Migration in a Period of Economic Crisis in the Tourism Industry” organised by the Maltese General Workers’ Union, in cooperation with EFFAT, in Malta on 2 and 3 September 2010, brought together representatives from EFFAT trade unions from various EU Member States, Maltese tourism authorities, European Commission and European employers’ association HOTREC. Many participants reported about problems with seasonal migrant workers in the tourism sector in their countries. Although in most countries equal treatment for equal work is laid down in law, a lack of enforcement has to be stated, and many seasonal migrants are exploited.

PRESS RELEASE: Better Protection for migrant workers!


For migrant workers (both EU and third-country nationals), it is increasingly difficult to find their way through the maze of legislation regulating migration.

Migrant Workers

Therefore, this website is first of all for migrants: besides information on migration legislation, they can find here mobility tools and useful links. The website is also meant for those who represent workers: information on legislation, studies, political positions, etc. can be easily used for the work of trade unions. It can also be useful for students or other persons who wish to have an overview of the situation of migration in Europe.

Though the starting point of this website is available in three languages: English, French and German, we will continue only in English. Still, most of the official documents will soon be available in French and German as well.

Who we are

EFFAT is the European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism sectors, representing 120 national trade unions from 37 European countries. EFFAT defends the interests of more than 2.6 million members towards the European Institutions, European employers' associations and company managements. For quite some time EFFAT has given support to a comprehensive migration and integration policy, ensuring the development of safe jobs and working conditions.